动物一直是摄影师钟爱的拍摄主题。以下16幅作品选自5月到8月间的“In Focus: Animalia”主题影展(由J. Paul Getty Museum发起)。这些作品经过时间的沉淀,极富意趣,其中包括了像森山大道和曼·雷(Man Ray)等人的经典作品,请收藏吧!
Alex Harris Las Trampas, New Mexico, negative, March 1984Daido Moriyama(森山大道)-Stray Dog, 1971Daniel Naudé—Africanis 17, Danielskuil, Northern Cape, South Africa, 2010Dog sitting on a table, c. 1854. Unknown photographerEadweard J. Muybridge-Running (Galloping), 1878 – 1881Estate of André Kertész-Wooden Mouse and Duck, 1929Hiro(若林 康宏)—David Webb, Jeweled Toad, New York, 1963William Wegman-In the BoxOut of the Box, 1971William Eggleston.-Memphis, 1971Tim Hawkinson-Octopus, 2006The South African Cheetah, (Felis Jubata.), c.1865Soon Tae (Tai) Hong-Chong Ju, 1970Robert Mapplethorpe-Kitten, Naples, 1983Portrait of a Girl with a Deer, around 1854, maker unknown, daguerreotypeMan Ray.-Fly, 1936–36Keith Carter—Goodbye to a Horse, 1993